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Beth Pears

The first pear variety is ready now: sweet and juicy Beth. Our pears always seem to look a bit spotty but that impression is only skin deep - they taste delicious. In addition to Discovery apples we are also picking Red Devils now and making juice with both varieties - buy one of each to compare their unique flavours (and colours): 750 ml bottle for £3.30. You will need to be quick if you want Discovery - they are running out. The plums are finished for this season.

Our own celery is ready now and we are picking the first of the chillies - look out for them in your veg box. We even have a few experimental aubergines this year. There are still lots of French beans to pick - why not take the opportunity to stock up your freezer: 500g for £2. We also have runner beans now although they are not as plentiful as expected because roe deer ate the lower leaves and pods - all they could reach. Whole lettuces and lettuce leaves with edible flowers are in short supply at the moment while we wait for the next batch to get big enough to harvest. You might like to try Oriental leaves instead.

We still have some bonus items at only 50p per portion this week. Add them to your regular order: spring onions, Swiss chard, rainbow chard and kale.

Ready now: celery, chillies, aubergine, runner beans, French beans, cherry tomatoes, regular tomatoes, Discovery and Red Devil apples, red and yellow raspberries, courgettes, cucumbers, regular (Genovese) basil, Greek basil, kohl rabi, edible flowers, kale, cavolo nero, Oriental leaves, spring onions, sage, oregano, rosemary, Swiss chard, rainbow chard, chives, coriander, rocket, mint, lemon balm. The potatoes from west Cumbria are called Casablanca.

Bonus offers to add to your regular order:


50p EACH: BONUS Spring Onions, Swiss Chard, Rainbow Chard, Kale.

GENERAL BONUS BAG: Choose any item we supply (fruit or veg) and as long as supplies allow, we’ll bring you a bag of it weighing more than you would normally get for the price. £2 a bag. As long as we have the produce, you can have as many General Bonus Bags as you like.

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