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We have some lovely sage to cut this week -

if you would like to have some in your box, let me know. It adds great flavour to recipes such as Cumberland sausage and roasted butternut squash as well as traditional sage and onion stuffing.

The Concorde pears are ready now and as usual we have some spotty ones for juicing and cooking: Bonus Juicing Pears £1 per kg. Discovery, Red Devil and Red Windsor apples are all available this week. The juice of Red Windsor apples is a delicate rose pink and the flavour is a good balance of sweet and sharp. We still have Red Devil juice too: 750 ml bottle for £3.30.

Our own green peppers (regular and bull's horn) and chillies as well as a few experimental aubergines are ready now. The French beans and basil are coming to an end now - autumn is upon us. The latest lettuces are ready now and we have enough to include them in salad boxes

We still have some bonus items at only 50p per portion this week. Add them to your regular order: spring onions, Swiss chard, cavolo nero and kale.

Ready now: sage, lemon balm, green peppers, celery, leeks, chillies, aubergine, runner beans, French beans, cherry tomatoes, regular tomatoes, Discovery, Red Devil and Red Windsor apples, red and yellow raspberries, courgettes, cucumbers, kohl rabi, edible flowers, kale, cavolo nero, Oriental leaves, spring onions, oregano, rosemary, Swiss chard, rainbow chard, chives, rocket and mint. The potatoes from west Cumbria are called Casablanca.

Bonus offers to add to your regular order: BONUS JUICING PEARS: 1kg for £1 50p EACH: BONUS Spring Onions, Swiss Chard, Cavolo Nero, Kale. GENERAL BONUS BAG: Choose any item we supply (fruit or veg) and as long as supplies allow, we’ll bring you a bag of it weighing more than you would normally get for the price. £2 a bag. As long as we have the produce, you can have as many General Bonus Bags as you like.

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